Badly needed a new phone

Hi. I had been wrongfully terminated recently in my previous job due to medical reason last month. They didn't accept my immediate resignation because having a severe back pain is just nothing for them and won't even give me enough time to rest. Hence, I decided to leave the company despite of my sacrifices for them and how i'm doing so well with my job. The salary is very low for me but it's okay since i'm having fun doing my job. BUT, my physical health is important to me also. It deeply hurts me to leave but I need to. Especially if they're not taking good care of their employees. :(
I was planning on saving more money to buy a new phone last year since i'm using my current phone for almost 5yrs now. However, emergencies happened (giving financial support to my family, car bills and maintenance, and house bills). The time wasn't just right. I can't even buy myself anything. I apologize if this is my only wish this year. My current phone is lagging so bad even if i'm only using facebook app.
The main reason why I need a new phone is to help me for my future virtual interviews (currently job hunting) since covid-19 is still around in my country. If anyone is wondering, my phone that i'm using currently is iPhone 6s Plus (with 72% battery health, almost 5yrs) as you can see, my battery is degraded and I don't really have that much money to get it repair or replace. Thus, I was thinking that buying a new phone will be much better for me.
I do hope that you can help me fulfill my wish this year. Thank you for reading and have a nice day ahead.
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Eilsel Cruz

Created Feb 22, 2023 Philippines

0$ of 1,500$ goal

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