Fund a bike for my unstable mental health

Greetings kind people of Earth. I'm Justine, a bike enthusiast, who needs to buy a new and safe bike fir my unstable mental health.
3 years go, I've been clinically diagnosed with anxiety and depression to the point that I've attempted suicide.Biking has been my coping mechanism for my recovery aside from taking medications and weekly check up from a psychiatrist. Whenever I ride a bike, I always feel freedom and it helps me forget the things that's making life hard for us to live.
Due to this pandemic, things haven't been great. It feels like I had already recovered from my mental illness but things still keep coming back.
I'm really hoping that you'll help me get a fund to buy a new and safe bike.

Here's my paypal acc:
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Justine Bosangit

Created May 14, 2021 Camarines Sur, Bicol, Philippines

0$ of 1,000$ goal

0% Raised by 0 Donations Wishes