My disabled cat named PLANKY

Hello! This is my cat named PLANKY. He is a disabled cat and he is not yet 1 year old. I would like to raise at least 1000 dollars (actually it could be less) to take him to a vet to check if his arms would grow or if he can be fixed because until now he is still standing like a kangaroo. He is also a hunch back I dont know what will be the effect of that if he starts growing his body but with your help I could at least bring him to a vet and give him lots of milk for his calcium intake. I cant afford it because I am the breadwinner of the family and public vets dont have equipments to fix this kind of cat problems. I hope you could give this your kind consideration. GOD bless us all.
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Alvin Tibay

Created Jan 28, 2023 Rizal Province, Philippines

0$ of 1,000$ goal

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