I am Ms. Ma. Esperanza Pallasigui, 46 years old and a single mother. I have been recently hospitalized last November 2022 for acute kidney injury in which I had to undergo emergency dialysis. My creatinine was 1000 plus beyond the normal limits by far as normally it should only range from 55 to 91. Because of this I had to undergo major changes. Nothing prepared us of the kind of financial burden that would take its toll on everything. There were tests, diagnostics, treatments, blood transfusions, etc that needed to be done and all of these required substantial amount of money, which currently I do not have. The resources I had had already been depleted with the pile up of hospital confinement bills and hemodialysis treatments, medications, laboratory tests and may more. Currently, I am not working as my condition is not that stable, so we opted to take time to get better to avoid other complications along the way. I am getting thru my dialysis treatment through the help of PhilHealth, a governement medical insurance which I am paying out of pocket to avail discounts on hemodialysis treatment that they offer.
I am hoping for generous and kind hearted people to hear my plead for financial help to make it through not only for my family but for may 7 year old son. I still want to live my life. I do not know why I was given the burden of this illness as I have no vices and only worked hard for my family until the day I got sick, so I am determined to claim back my life and get better with the help of the my family and the encouragement of the people around me. Please help me in this journey by giving a little of what you can spare, as little by little we can survive this. Please do pray for all those suffering around you that they may have the strength to continue their battles.
Seeing into the future, if it comes to undergoing kidney transplant, I am pro for it, so as early as now we also want to prepare for the financial consequences to come.
You can contact me through Facebook - Rhanzie Pallasigui
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GCASH: 0975 385 6170
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