River rehabilitation

Hi, my name is Yves. I have started planting and rehabilitating a river near my house because, for so long, it was full of trash and had a foul smell. After a year, the plants began to grow, and the birds were back. The air was fresh. And it was not hot in that area anymore. And more people are using the site for recreational activities. And with my simple solution, I wanted to plant more trees and fruits in my country and start on one of the most polluted rivers in my country. I hope you guys can help me fund this campaign. So that we can bring back what mother nature intended for us to have. thank guys



hoping that you guys could help me thank you

cost would go to caretakers, Agar tree seedling, Cacao, Avocado, Different types of roses and many more also will be installing irrigation system
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Yves Geromme G. Penesa

Created Nov 25, 2022 Metro manila philippines

0$ of 30,000$ goal

0% Raised by 0 Donations Nature