Kidney Transplant

Hello! My name is Rian CHristopher Villota, 24, and i'm a Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Dialysis patient from the Philippines. I would like to seek your assistance for my Kidney Transplant. My mother tried being my donor but we failed the transplant work-up. My brother and father were not allowed since they dont have the same blood type. Almost all my relatives that were up to the challenge have sickness. Hence, I would like to enroll for Cadaveric transplant. However, there is a required bank certificate needed amounting to 500 000 PHP or 10 000$. For me to start my dream to live normally again, I would like to ask for your help. Thank you and God bless everyone!
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Rian Christopher R. Villota

Created Nov 07, 2022 Philippines

0$ of 10,000$ goal

0% Raised by 0 Donations Medical