Please help

♥ For those who have good hearts, I ask for your help regarding about our finances. My mom is suffering from anxiety and depression. Though she has not visited any doctors for medical examination, her behavior changes. It started when she had loaned a large amount of money and since the pandemic,she had difficulty rising up funds to pay up her loans. We had a business but it was closed due to the amount of her loans. She loaned money to pay up for her other loans that it escalated and we cannot pay it up due to excessive interests. I became desperate because I became afraid of my Mom's health. Your help is already a big relief for me. I thank you for taking time in reading my campaign and I hope that you can understand our plight. May God blesses you for your good heart. Thank you.
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Created Oct 26, 2022 Leyte

0$ of 2,500$ goal

0% Raised by 0 Donations Wishes