Let's Help JQ Walk on Waves Again

Our dear friend, surf instructor, fave'd long board surfer needs our help. Joren "JQ" Querijero has been suffering from extreme back pains due to muscle spasms since the first quarter of this year 2022. There is a high probability that he has bone fracture either at his ribs and/or spine. Though he's been going through physical therapy the spasms has affected his posture and ability to continue to surf, his means of livelihood. Recently, he has been bed bound due to the extreme pain and unable to continue his Physical Therapy sessions. JQ is residing in the small town of Baler, Aurora Philippines, where Medical Facilities are scarce. The neareat state hospital with a MRI and some orthopedic facility takes a 2-3 hour drive crossing over mountains and other rural towns. While coordinations from public/state health facilities has been made, funding for the MRI and other medical procedures and arrangement has been foreseen to be needed. We are humbly asking for funding assistance for medical transport , the MRI procedure and other medical tests, procedure and consultation might be needed for JQ to recover and get back on nose riding and walking on waves.

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Created Oct 19, 2022 Baler

0$ of 10,000$ goal

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