please help my mom

our life was rough end it became rougher so first of all when i was younger my father spend all of our money on something but i dont know, please dont get angry at him his trying make up to me. and we run a sarisari store with 4 workers one of them have to leave when we got a new person but after a couple of months he accidently crash to a other car and made my mom pay alot of money and stole furm us and left and it happend againg and one by one our workers left and its just me and my mom at the sarisari store. and after that our nephew and aunts went to help us its pretty huard with them especially with our nephews but after 1 and half a year they left bringing them our stove and one of our aunts asked for money and after another few months past and she didnt pay back so we went there, we had a big fight and after that my mom check her credit card is empty they stole 20,000 php. but now we got a new worker and my mom is know working from 4 am to 12 pm to pay for my college so i could get a better life then her so please help pay for my college any donation can work.
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Created Sep 12, 2022 147 san Jose binan laguna 1sth

0$ of 20,000$ goal

0% Raised by 0 Donations Family