(THE TITLE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE "surgery for my leg because i can't stand the patriarchy" LMAO) i'm creating this campain as a joke. i don't expect people to actually fund me money. however, this money would be an amazing help for me and my family. i really need a laptop for my school but i can't afford one since i'm a 13 year old who has absolutely no source of income since my parents won't let me. but this isn't just about me wanting a laptop. this money will really help me and my family BIG TIME as it is a really big amount of money. any amount would be absolutely amazing. but then again, this is a joke and not something to be taken seriously:) have a great life!! (also the deadline is my birthday so just greet me a happy birthday and it'll mean the world to me) (though it's 2 months away LMAO)
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