Help for the less fortunate

I am a teacher in the Philippines and I am handling learners who come to school with empty stomachs and no money. As much as I want to help them, my salary alone cannot cover the expenses because I also have financial concerns. The proceeds of this fundraising will be given to those students who are really in need and their families, providing monetary assistance to start a small business to cover thier daily expenses. I also help them in printing their projects and assignments so some of it will be used to purchase a printer, inks, bondpapers and other materials that they need. I also would want a water dispenser that the children could use because some really don't have money to buy water, I also buy food for them that they can eat during my class. Many of these children are abused by their own family and are struggling with their education and needs. I initiated this campaign to get help from kindhearted people. If you need more details, you ca comment here or send me an email at Thank you in advance.
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Ivan P. Bueno

Created Aug 28, 2022 Masbate City, Philippines

0$ of 50,000$ goal

0% Raised by 0 Donations Charity