Working Abroad for my sick Mother

  • This is the hardest decision for me, since my mother is getting very ill, I need to work abroad to sustain her medications for her illness. It's all started when my father pass away and since then, our life became miserable and difficult. That is why my mother become depressed because she don't know how to raise us alone. Then she was diagnose of Chronic Kidney Desease, Ulcer and Blood Clot due to mild stroke that happened to her last year and it needs a long term medication, however we don't have money at all and I badly need a funds right now to process all my documents since I'm applying for factory worker, but I don't have enough funds to aquire all those. I am doing this for the sake of my mother to give her a better life. Hoping that you guys can help me. God bless us all
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#Update These are the requirements that I need to follow. But according to the agency. I need to pay partial amount for my Working permit, visa and plabe ticket

Rodel Gerodias

Created Aug 28, 2022 Philippines

0$ of 5,000$ goal

0% Raised by 0 Donations Travel