Earthquake Victim Please Help

I am rasing money to help fix our destroyed home in the Philippines. A strong earthquake Destroyed many infrastructure in Nothern Philippine as of now the deaths and damages are still unknown in my district as we have no food,water, and electricity. It was a 7.3 earthquake magnitude. Please help us through prayer and raising funds. I am an eldest son of this house studying engineering and only has 2 years left to graduate but due to the earthquake every gadget devices I have including my sibling's gadgets inside my home is destroyed. I only have my phone right now as this is what I used to take pictures and used on my partime job as a motorcycle taxi driver and delivery driver. This is my first time using this platform for help as today we are very desperate for anything. Thank you for reading and please pray for us all.
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John Mike Fernandez

Created Jul 27, 2022 Philippines

0$ of 1,000$ goal

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