Educational Laptop

Hi! Good day Everyone, I am Mr. Aldrin Barbin , and i'm from Philippines, i am a college student taking the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology turning 2nd Year this August 2022. In my first year of college it's been a hard for me to communicate with my co classmates and my professor during an online class because i don't have any gadget for me to be able to attend my class, i don't have any jobs or any source of income, my mother can't to jobs because she's to old to do jobs same with my father, so we dont have any source of income, I just came here to beg for some donation for me to be able to buy a laptop for my studies, because in my course, i need a laptop to make a project because we are having a programming session, it's hard for me to make more money this time, So i decided to came here, just incase , I'm still praying because i know God Will Provide! I just need a $500 or more to but this Laptop,Any amount will be highly appreciated, thank you! Godbless everyone!!!!! I have this due date until August 2022 Thank you Everyone!! I would be happy if you could use the [Help by sharing] button to share about my project!
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Aldrin Barbin

Created Jun 14, 2022 Philippines

0$ of 1,000$ goal

0% Raised by 0 Donations Education