Little Boy in Me

Greetings. This pandemic isn't over yet. Many people longs for financial help, but if I would be so bold to state my personal request.

I have been drawn in by literature and media. Eversince I was a kid I dreamt of adventures. Something like out of a fairy tale. It was a normal childhood wish. But not until I become perceptive enough. At a young age I knew I happen to be more of a thinker than most of my friends. I realized that what I thought to be a perfect family is full of toxic and violent practices. What I thought to be a harmonic society is full of greed driven individuals preying on every uneducated souls. And I have always hated my reality since I was a kid, which I think, pushes me to further my imagination, always staring into space and daydreaming of scenarios.

This ingintes my interest in writing stories, or scripts in school projects or dramas. Maybe I want to create an ideal world through words and illustrations. It also pushes me into films. I have been very invested in writing, reading, and watching films for quite some time. And like other aspiring writers, I started to make my own story. I have gathered all my imagination and inspirations and tried to set the inception of my very first book. But unfortunately I have reached a loophole, since the pandemic. And it isn't over yet.

I only tried to write in an old model smartphone that can't handle most of the applications I need in completing my book. I need the appropriate technology. A desktop computer. My phone has been very faulty, bringing not only irritation but lost of focus. I tried to get a job but decent jobs require too many Health requirements and costly qualification under the pandemic protocols. And in addition to my financial defficiencies, I also lack my desired proficiency in english. I am planning to get this vocational 6-month English proficiency course but again, my wooden smartphone can't handle 'Google Meetings', 'Zoom', 'Ms Teams' and other necessary applications to take an online course. I am stucked in a loophole.

Thus, I would like to reach out for somebody who understand this feeling of 'being unable'. I know you probably saw much more deserving fund raisers where lives and health are at stake, but to someone who felt at some point of their life the feeling "If Only I have this one thing". If when you look back and think "I wished someone supported me with my hobby when I was a kid, even some stranger, for no one did", I am wishing and humbly asking for you to be that 'somebody' to me. Because I am afraid I would regret it if I grow up and become consumed by reality and practicality of life, unable to dream and float in my own world, and say to myself " I wish I had the oppurtunity when I was younger".


In simple terms, I would like to ask for funds to buy a "Decent Computer Set" so I can take an online "English Proficiency Course". Once I have such certificate, I could be easily accepted in a work-from-home call center (BPO) job, then I could sustain my hobbies financially, which wouldlead me to finishing my book and venturing into film making and digital arts (I plan to be my own book illustrator) if I have the time.

5286 6716 0005 1884
(This is probably closed because it went under minimum ammount and I'm not sure)
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Abraham R.

Created Jan 24, 2022 Cavite, Philippines.

0$ of 1,100$ goal

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