In the night of Dec. 14, 2021, Typhoon Rai, known in the Philippines as Typhoon Odette struck the Philippines. Rai was a category-5 super typhoon and made a landfall in Cebu City/Province where majority of our team members reside. The 1st 2 weeks was really difficult as the entire Visayas which is 1/4th of the Philippines didnt have Electricity with very slow to no internet. Following this, is the lack of water supply. It's been 3 weeks since the typhoon and Cebu is somehow slowly recovering. We would like to seek your help in extending aid to our team members who were greatly affected and needs renovations to fix thier roof and walls. Water and gasoline has been very expensive as well. Any amount from your kind hearts will surely ease the burden of our team members and thier family.
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