Daruim Craciun acolo unde nu exista!

Year after year we start from the beginning of December to gather and gather to be able to bring Christmas where it does not exist!
We have in evidence a number of over 150 children of different ages from disadvantaged backgrounds where maybe Christmas Day is the saddest day out of the 365!
We have always collected donations from door to door and now we are trying to do it online. Together with our volunteers, we invite you to adopt a child for Christmas and to support our approach.
We send and offer packages consisting of school supplies, toys, sweets and everything necessary for a child to be able to feel that this year Santa Claus has not forgotten about him! Where Santa fails to reach, we succeed.

With your help we can bring the joy of winter holidays where it has never arrived!

RO : An de an incepem de la inceputul lunii Decembrie sa strangem si sa ne adunam pentru a putea aduce Craciunul acolo unde nu exista!
Avem in evidenta un numar de peste 150 de copii de diferite varste din medii defavorizate unde poate ziua de Craciun e cea mai trista zi din cele 365!
Am strans donatii mereu din usa in usa iar acum incercam sa o facem si online. Impreuna cu voluntarii nostrii te invitam sa adopti si tu un copil de Craciun si sa sustii demersul nostru.
Trimitem si oferim pachete constand in rechizite, jucarii, dulciuri si toate cele necesare unui copil sa poata simti ca anul acesta Mos Craciun nu a uitat de el! Acolo unde Mosul nu reuseste sa ajunga, reusim noi.

Cu ajutorul vostru putem aduce bucuria sarbatoriilor de iarna acolo unde nu a ajuns niciodata!
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Vasiliu Diana

Created Dec 08, 2021 Iasi,Vaslui,Neamt

0$ of 10,000$ goal

0% Raised by 0 Donations Community