Hello everyone!
I hope you all had a good day So my name is qaswafif and currently i am at college studying chemical enginnering,ill be honest this is the first time i struggle With making a report or task,because you know my laptop is very old,and it cant even run properly,the laptop is been descended From my oldest sister to me so might be the laptop is maybe 7-8 years old,but still ima stick with it,but as far as i love I want to ask my parents i cant,cuz we also stuggling with finance,i dont know anymore,im not happ with my life,and i just Dont feel right anymore,all i wanted is that to make my parents happy,but if i ask them a new laptop it would take year To buy a new one,im just baffled to see them to force me to study in university but doesnt have a finance to back me up,im just Idk anymore,With new laptop it would relieve a bit of burden from me and my parents,gofund me doesnt now allow me to put 500 because the minimum was $1000,but we just need $500 i will bought a second laptop that At least better than i had right now,and the other 500 i will donate it,thank you for listening my story and i am very Sorry about my english,but again to everyone that sending help for me,god bless,thank you for every cent that you give
Much love ~qaswafif
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