Life has been a struggle for all of us, and in these times, the smallest things can be a huge help. Hi! My name is Andrea, Im a 16 year old girl who lives in the Philippines. Ever since the Covid happened, life hasnt been kind. Right now, my mum, My 19 year old brother, my 3 year old younger brother and I are all positive for Covid so it's a lot harder. Since Im only 16, I can't really find a way to earn money other than asking help from here in gogetfundme. I won't ask for much, a dollar is like literally a huge deal for me and it's already a huge help! I just want to help my family a bit. You dont have to if you don't want, but it would be a huge help. The picture uptop is my dog Mocha, but she's already passed. I dont really have an appropriate picture but yeah! I hope everyone stays safe and healthy!!
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