Please help our Baby Sam

Hi! Sam is my dearest friend, my family, and my safe haven. She has been in excruciating pain for the past two weeks and has become unwell to the point that she can no longer consume solid meals. We took her to the vet this afternoon and unfortunately discovered that she has pyometra (pyometra is an inflammation of the uterus that consists of pus and is now taking up space for her internal organs and can blow up anytime) and requires immediate surgery; however, she is too weak to have it immediately, so she must be confined for a week and the operation will begin once she is stable enough. Her running bill for just a day is $ 218, and she still has IV, antiboitics, and a service fee that is valid for one week and the operation that costs $596. I understand these are trying times for all of us, so I'm here to knock on your kind hearts and spare a peso for her because it can already do so much for her, or any amount will do. Keeping her in your prayers can have twice the impact; thank you to everyone, especially my friends, for assisting and supporting me in this endeavor. Please help me reach out to more people by sharing this post. God bless. ??
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Jeindrixz Asadil

Created Sep 26, 2021 Philippines

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