South Africa Mission Trip

Hello everyone! My name is Jackson Federman and I have just recently graduated high school. But instead of going off to start college I was called to South Africa and do mission work. The work I will be doing is in partnership with Mukhanyo Christian Academy, a school I have been blessed to serve my 8th grade and junior year. Mukhanyo Christian Academy is a faith-based private school serving AIDS orphans and other vulnerable children in Mpumalanga, a poor region near Pretoria, South Africa. This work will be volunteer, so I need support from the community to help fund my transportation and living expenses. While in South Africa I will work as a Physical Education teacher beginning in January 2022 and work for the first quarter of their academic year. Your donations and prayers are greatly appreciated! May God bless you all and this next chapter in my walk with Christ.
  • luke morton

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Jackson Federman

Created Aug 22, 2021 NC

Featured Campaign

1,360$ of 5,000$ goal

27% Raised by 11 Donations Faith