Help us save this house from decay! This house ranges from 90-100 years for sure. Many calamities already passed but this house remains standing. It survived World War 2, Earthquakes, Typhoons, etc. However, It won't stand long enough for other future generations to see. This house is part of our Culture and Heritage, It was built before Me, my parents and my grandparents were born. It's sad that many of these kinds of houses cannot be seen today. People just demolish this for commercial spaces, But as a teen who always sees this house on my way to school, It hurts my feelings that it's slowly collapsing. So please help us raise enough money to claim this house from the owner or the government whos not doing any action on saving this house from decay. Help us preserve our culture for future generations to see and appreciate our culture. Thank you for your consideration.
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Created Aug 11, 2021 110 JP Rizal St Calamba, Calabarzon, Philippines

0$ of 500,000$ goal

0% Raised by 0 Donations Culture