Falling behind

My husband was laid off the end of March, due to the virus. We filed taxes February 18th, and have been put on 3 random reviews now. Unemployment ran out, and even when we were getting it, we fell more and more behind. Now it's almost time for school, and I can't get my daughters school supplies. They start September 1st, and we have nothing. Rent ($1600) is also due the 1st, and I don't know where that money will come from. If I only get enough for their school supplies, I'll be more than happy. This year has been so hard on them, I just want back to school to be great. Anything is appreciated, and thank you so much.
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Elise Cox

Created Aug 26, 2020 Cheyenne Wyoming

0$ of 2,000$ goal

0% Raised by 0 Donations Emergencies