Help me Become the best Architect

I have dreamed of becoming an architect, started my dream last 2009. However, due to unfortunte event; when my father and mother separated, I was forced to leave my dreams behind. I started working and tried to save, but living in a third world country doesn't give me the opportunities that I need. I tried several times to get scholorships but time really doesn't give me the chance to continue. I lived from pay check to pay check. Lived alone because no one can support me anymore. I got injuries from trying so hard to get athletic scholarships to the point that I almost lost the ability to play Soccer again. I got my asthma worst and turned into skin asthma. Everything turned upside down. Then Last December someone offered me to go back to school. They paid for my tuition fee only. Being an Interior Architecture student doesn't give you the time to work at the same time. This is my second chance to redeem and get back on track. This is the chance that I'll be able to continue my dreams in being an architect soon. But due to financial incapabilities I am really struggling. Daily expenses (which I really don't spend much except for my needs). I only eat once just to save some money for the upcoming days. Being an Interior architecture student, alot of equipments are need to be bought. From technical pens, t squares, tracing papers, blue prints, paints for rendering, coloring materials and so on and so forth. The never ending purchase of requirements to pass and continue dreaming. I could never waste this chance of a once in a lifetime. As I am reaching my dreams slowly but surely by keeping my grades up. I will be needing your help. The funds that I will be getting will help me purchase all the necessary requirements and daily expenses for architecture. I can also do some online task if needed in return for the funds that will be provided any assistance that I can do virtually.
I am a student of the University of San Carlos in Cebu City Phillippines. Taking up Bachelor of Science in Interior Design and will take Bachelor of Scince in Architecture right after. I am living alone and your help will make my dreams come true.
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Michael Angelo Paracuelles

Created Feb 27, 2025 Philippines

0$ of 10,000$ goal

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