Request for Assistance to Save My Home

Dear sir/madam

I am writing to humbly seek your assistance in a very challenging situation that i am currently name is H S Ranga sampath Chathuranga,and i am a rresident of muwangala village in the ampara destrict.

After ccompleting my education,i worked at a private company and supported my family with the income l earned.while working, I lived in an unfinished house and decided to get married .To build my house , l pledged the house deed to the SDB Bank and obtained a loan.
I successfully completed the construction of my house and got married.However,repaying the loan insinstallments,while also susupporting my family,became iincreasingly difficult.matters wworsened when the private company I worked for close down,resulting in the ssudden los of my job.

Since then,I have been doing small jobs to supporte my family,but i ccould not consistently pay the loan installments.I borrowed from friends to make payments for a few months,but this led me into more debit.Now I am unable to repay the loan,and the bank has iinformed me that legal action will be taken,which could rresult in the loss my house and land.
I am in a very helpless situation and am at risk of losing the home that I worked so hard to build. I kindly request your understanding and support to help me pay off this debt and save my house.Any assistance you could provide would mean the world to me and my family.
I assure you that everything I have presented here is true ssincerely repuest your compassion and gengenerosity.
Thank you very much for your time and cconsideration.please feel free to cocontact me for any additional information.
God bless you.!

Yours faithfully ,
H S Ranga Sampath Chathuranga .
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Created Jan 27, 2025 Sri Lanka

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