Tuition Fee for Continuing College

Hi, I'm new to this website and I dont know if this one actually works and i also dont know if someone in the world will go out and read this message, but I am grateful if you do. I actually don't know what to do like I've been thinking with a lot of things to help my parents in terms of money like for me in continuing my college. I don't have someone to talk with so I basically open up to this ai website and it suggests to go and try this one. I am a scholar but its not enough to cover my tuition. I am really eager to learn and it makes me sad to think that I do want to study well but at the same time can't help but to think about our situation on how hard it is. As I've said I don't know if this one will work but I am really grateful with all my heart if it will work. Thank you and God may bless us all!
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Created Jan 13, 2025 Philippines

0$ of 1,000$ goal

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