Hi, My name is Nicole Cabillo. I'm 20 and I'm from Philippines. Since i was a kid, i know there's something wrong about my eyes which now affects my entire life and self-esteem. I'm suffering from "Severe Degree Exophthalmos" and i already consulted 2 doctors, from here in the Philippines and in korea which is EFIL. They asked me to send pictures because of the online consultation. They say condition can also be diagnosed visually.
Please help me. My family can't afford surgery because it costs a lot. I'm not asking for too much. Any amount will do. Hopefully, i can pay you all in return on my way. I believe kindness and giving are always in the heart of every person. And every single one believes good-deed touches soul.
Remember this, i'll be forever thankful. I know you didn't evem know me but God will always know what you do. I hope you enjoy and be happy in life. You truly deserve everything.
I love you, truly in my heart.
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