Support for a Brave Young Girl: Justice

In the wake of unimaginable tragedy, a bright and brave 15-year-old girl has faced the worst nightmare imaginable. While mourning the loss of her father, she was left alone for just a moment, and during that time, a trusted family friend took advantage of her vulnerability, committing a horrific act that no child should ever experience.

This young girl, already grappling with the grief of losing her father, now has to navigate the pain and trauma of being a survivor of sexual violence. To make matters worse, her family is struggling financially. With her grandmother's ongoing health issues and the burdens of funeral expenses, they are in desperate need of support. As they seek justice, the family faces a daunting challenge: the suspect has the resources to hire top legal representation, while this young girl and her remaining family are left without the means to fight back. They need a qualified lawyer who can stand up for her rights and ensure that she has the voice she deserves in this painful process. We are launching this campaign to gather funds to cover legal expenses and provide support for therapy and healing. Every donation, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in this young girl’s journey toward justice and recovery. Let’s come together as a community to help her find peace and support during this difficult time. Your generosity can help change a life and offer hope in the face of darkness. Thank you for your kindness and support.
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Jennifer Mary Cunanan Sacro

Created Oct 17, 2024 Philippines

5 days left

0$ of 3,000$ goal

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