Help me get back to studying

Hi guys, strangers or friends and family that may see this I hope this message finds you well. I'm reaching out to you with a humble request, born out of necessity and urgency. I find myself at a critical moment in my academic and professional journey, and I'm in need of your support. I've recently encountered unforeseen health challenges that have put my job at risk. Amidst these difficulties, one thing has remained unchanged: my commitment to my finishing my education. However, I find myself facing a significant obstacle. My current computer, essential for my studies and for work, has reached its limit and is no longer able to support my needs. In order to continue pursuing my education, I require a new computer. I understand that times are tough for many, and asking for financial assistance is never easy. Yet, with a heavy heart and a genuine need, I turn to you for help. The cost of the computer I require is $400. While this may seem like a modest amount to some, for me, it represents the difference between forging ahead with my academic aspirations and facing potential setbacks that could jeopardize my future. The remaining amount of $600 will be put to my medical needs (such as getting an MRI for a possible form of seizure I may have, medicine for my heart enlargement) and the remainin will be put to good use for charity. Your generosity and support during this challenging time would mean more to me than words can express. Every contribution, no matter the size, will bring me closer to my goal and enable me to continue striving towards my dreams. Whether you're able to contribute financially or simply share this message with others who may be in a position to help, your support in any form is deeply appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read my story and consider supporting me during this crucial moment in my life. Your kindness and compassion will not be forgotten, and I am immensely grateful for your solidarity in my journey towards academic success. With heartfelt gratitude,

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Federico Campos

Created Apr 24, 2024 Manila

0$ of 1,000$ goal

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