Need a new system.

Hi!, my name is Justine and I'm from Philippines. I have been learning how to make models and animations on Blender for months now by myself and I got so into it that I want to continue developing my skills into this and become a full-time 3D Artist in the future. I started this fundraising so that I can buy myself a new workstation because the current workstation that I have is a 2nd hand A-series APU computer which is an old cpu so the software that I'm using often lags then crashes unexpectedly losing the progress that I have made in my projects while learning, making me frustrated and losing my interest in finishing that project. I'm not going for an upgrade because based on the reviews and advices that I saw on the internet, upgrading this system for 3D rendering like buying a dedicated GPU won't show good results and would just be a waste of money because the cpu is too weak so its better to get a new system instead. So I searched the internet for the cheapest build for 3D rendering and they total to at least $600 which is too much for me because I just turned 18 and my parents don't have the liberty to spend that much since they only make a living that is enough to feed us and pay bills. With the money that I can get, I'm going to buy a new system unit that won't limit my progress because of performance issues and would help me dedicate myself into making my skills better on this field.
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Justine Noble

Created May 31, 2021 Philippines

0$ of 1,000$ goal

0% Raised by 0 Donations Startup