He is a 17months old Labrador.
He was left all by himself in a cage by his previpus owner who purchase him from a breeder then, moved to another city and is only living through scraps whenever a neighbor bother to give him food.
The breeder was able to locate the dog and was devastated upon seeing the dog's condition. They offered us if we would be willing to raise the dog and let it be part of our family. We gladly accepted the offer. But we need a little help as a starter to assist us with some of his medical needs.
By now Krimo is recuperating. We were able to get his hair grow back again but he still have that stinks all throughout his body no matter how ypu bathe him, it was because of bacterial infection he had through time. We were hoping to get him back im shape very soon.
Photo posted is how he looked like the first time we took him out fom that cage.
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