Seeking Refugee Asylum

  1. I am from Sudan and there is a civil war going on.
  2. I am currently staying in The Philippines but cant find a job due to being a foreigner (student) and I must have a working visa to work here.
  3. Our neighbourhood in Sudan got destroyed.
  4. I can't go back and am trying to support my family over there to help them find a better place.
  5. I want to seek asylum here (The Philippines) but I dont have money to go to Manila so I can start applying for asylum.
  6. I am currently homless and don't have a stable home, been moving and staying around with couple of my friends.
  7. Any amount or job opportunity is appreciated.
  8. Say no to war we are all humans on this planet.
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Created Jul 10, 2023 Philippines

0$ of 10,000$ goal

0% Raised by 0 Donations Emergencies