Good day to all who will read my call, on behalf of my brother Benjee Bartolome I am here today to ask you for even a little help for his daily medication and for his monthly check up at Hospital Because he had a problem with his thinking that made him unable to get married and live alone, he was fine when he was young but because of his father's bad behavior that always beat him and abused him he had a trauma and what's more painful this affected his thinking, we treated him before so that he would be well but due to our lack of finances, we have not been able to treat him for several years. he have medicines should drink every day but due to our lack of life we can't supply his medicines well so now his condition is getting worse I hope you can help me even if it's just a small amount I will look at it as a debt of gratitude to you forever thank you so much for taking the time to read my brother's GODBLESS YOU ALL??
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Benjee Gansit Bartolome

Created Jun 12, 2023 USA

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