Need Jump Start To change Mindset of People

Hi my name is Paulo Wilson, I am starting Motivational Speaker slash moto vloger. I want to change he mentality of each and every people I will encounter on this journey. I just need a jump start to start my journey. Why I chose the moto vloging platform is because most people now a days watch moto vlogers hence it's a good place to start my intention of changing how people think. I want to start a small shop to fuel my passion of sharing pieces of advise. My goal is to change the mindset of any people I will encounter during this venture that I am going in too.
If someone will fund me this amount of money. I will make sure and I will be documenting my process on my page. The first 100k peso that my shop will earn will be given to jump start a deserving somebody who has the same goal like me to change the mindset of people around us.

I need a jump start so I can grow, so I can get out of my own rat race and help other people do the same.
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Paulo Wilson

Created May 17, 2023 Philippines

0$ of 10,000$ goal

0% Raised by 0 Donations Startup