Hi! I'm Diosa and this is my 16 year old niece, Viene. She was diagnosed with AMYOPLASIA (Amyoplasia occurs when muscle tissue supporting your joints shortens, tightens or wears away. These contractures typically occur in all four limbs. The condition is congenital, meaning it's present at birth.) She went back and forth to the hospital when she was still a baby, and now she is sometimes having a seizure. We cannot bring her to the hospital for further check ups because we lack funds. I hope you can help my niece to get a better shot of life by donating any amount for her treatment. Any amount will be greatly appreciated. God bless you all and thank you so much! ♥️
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Diosa Diolosa

Created Apr 17, 2023 Imus Cavite

0$ of 3,000$ goal

0% Raised by 0 Donations Medical