Asking for donation We, the family of ELOISA ELEONOR AGUINALDO are asking to you today with a heavy heart to share the news about her health condition. She is in dire need of open heart surgery as her mitral valve and aortic valve are not functioning properly, causing a disruption in the blood flow to her heart. The situation is critical, and we are all very worried about her. Unfortunately, the cost of the surgery is substantial, and we are not in a financial position to bear the expenses. As a family, we are seeking assistance from our friends, family, and community to help us raise the funds we need to ensure my tita receives the medical care she requires. We humbly request your support, whether it be through financial assistance or your prayers during this difficult time. Any amount, no matter how small, will make a difference and bring us closer to our goal. We know that it is challenging to ask for help, but we believe in the power of a community that comes together to support one another. Please consider making a donation to help us cover the cost of the surgery, or share our request with your network of family and friends. We are grateful for any support you can offer. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We appreciate your kind and generous support during this challenging time. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely,
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Created Mar 24, 2023 Philippines

0$ of 10,000$ goal

0% Raised by 0 Donations Medical