I had an inspiration a few days ago, and I acted upon it. It wasn't easy because I don't know anything about video editing. And I said to heck with it, I'll just record my first video. And now I have a YouTube Vlog.
And in the last 12 Days (since 9 March 2023), I went from zero views to 42 views. From zero video created to 12 videos created in my combined English channel (@aldenclamor_English) and Taglish channel (@aldenclamor_Taglish) channel. And from zero subscribers, I now have 12 subscribers (as of 21 March 2023).
And this feeling of being in the right place at the right time is inhabiting me. I have this unexplainable feeling of satisfaction when I share my knowledge and create these videos. I have this feeling that I am meant to do this. I was made to do this.
But nobody knows me! Huhuhu. So I'm asking for your help and support.
If I could generate $1,000 a month, I could survive without having to apply for a 9-to-5 job again.
If I could generate $2,000 a month, I could thrive.
If I could generate $3,000 a month, I could change the world.
It may be a crazy thing to say that with $3000 dollars I could change the world. Since $3000 dollars is what a jobless person is receiving as dole in the US. But in the Philippines, it's different. It's much cheaper here. And I will change the world if you let me.
How To Subscribe and Like
If you open your favorite browser and type this:
And then press Enter. You will see the link to my Youtube English channel. Please click that link and then Subscribe and Like and listen to the videos already there. There are already 6 videos there a of 21 March 2023. The videos are just 2min to 4min long. Well, the 6th one is a bit longer. I got carried away. Please help with your Likes and by Subscribing and by your Donations! This is how I strike back against the darkness, against fear, against hopelessness! Please help me to make this initiative successful! Thank you friend!!!!
If you have some Filipino friends, they might prefer a Taglish channel - Tagalog mixed with English. The Youtube handle for that is:
Again, thank you so muchg for all your support!
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