Hello Everyone, My name is Russan Gallero, 38 years old mother of two beautiful daughters from Rizal, Province. I'm here on fundraiseme page to try my luck and raise funds to help my daughter Accresha Gallero her heart surgery operation. Dec 16, last year, Christmas seasons — she started coughing and had a fever. We visited her Pedia at Manila East Medical Center, Taytay, Rizal. She requested for urinalysis and the result, came up that she had UTI. Her doctor then prescribed — Meptin for her cough and 120mg cefixime antibiotic for her UTI. After we finished the antibiotic she still had a fever, we went for another doctor visit. Her same Pedia requested for cbc, xray on her chest, xray on her foot, another urinalysis, hematology, serelogy etc. She prescribed another antibiotic, this time with a higher dosage named cefaclor 250mg 3x a day. After 3 days nothing happened and the medication didn’t help with her fever. Jan. 9, 2023 - In the middle of the night I noticed that she can't sleep properly and felt uneasy. The following day she was vomiting and didn't want to eat. We decided to take her to the emergency room. The doctor said we had to admit her to the hospital. She was admitted at Manila East Medical Center, Taytay, Rizal From Jan. 10 to Jan. 20, 2023 - Upon admission and after all the tests, she underwent, she was diagnosed with Rheumatic heart disease by a Pedia Cardiologist — Dr. Victor. It was painful, I was shocked! Cried for mercy and asked why it happened. While I am writing this, I cannot tell how many times I’ve broken down and asked God for help. Why my 4 year-old daughter needs to experience all of the pain? It's so painful to see her like this. Jan. 23, 2023 - We had a follow-up check-up with her new doctor, Dr. Victor. She wants us to continue her medication. Jan. 24, 2023 - We asked for a 2nd opinion with another Pedia Cardio — Dr. Cheng at different hospital (Medical City, Ortigas). We were advised that she needs to undergo heart surgery because the medicine will not fix her heart valve. The medicine will only help her temporarily, but won’t be a permanent fix. Doctor mentioned something around the line — “we don't want to happen that her body will deteriorate eventually". The final diagnosis of Dr. Cheng was acute heart failure class 3 and 4 due to spontaneous rupture of anterior cordea tendinae of the anterior mitral valve and he requested for immediate heart operation. I used to be a working mom, however, since the pandemic I have lost my job and last July 30, 2021 my eldest daughter was diagnosed with epilepsy. We were in and out of the hospital for my eldest daughter and because of that, all our savings were wiped and now my youngest needs to undergo open heart surgery. Our only breadwinner right now is my husband who is working in the BPO industry. We’re only living paycheck to paycheck and I don’t think we’d be able to earn enough for my daughter’s heart operation. With this, I'm begging for this organization to ask if you can help us fund for my daughter’s heart surgery. I'm just a Mom who is desperate for the life of my child. I am hoping for your kind consideration.

Here's the bank account and gcash details of my husband:
Account Name: Mark Jerome F. Gallero
Account Number: 109654291354
Gcash Name: Mark Jerome F. Gallero
Gcash Number: 09475968737
Russan Gallero
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Accresha Gallero

Created Mar 04, 2023 Philippines

0$ of 17,000$ goal

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